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A11y toolkit

Humans are the only species for whom tool use is a defining and universal characteristic.

What I value most in good tools is how they embody the toolmakers knowledge and the expertise related to the tasks and needs they were designed to address. They crystallize, refine, and facilitate the sharing of this knowledge and expertise. Good tools can provide solutions while teaching you more about the underlying problems.

It's easy to over rely and over-focus on tooling (at the expense of studying theory and gaining practical experience) but when approaching a new domain, deeply learning about available tools can be a great introduction to learning about the domain.

In the last year I've been learning deeply and applying the concepts and principles of accessible digital product design. Here is a list of tools and resources I've found particularly useful.

Web Design Tools #

Bookmarklets #

What is a bookmarklet?

A browser bookmarklet is a small piece of JavaScript code saved as a bookmark in a web browser.

Bookmarklets can perform a specific action when clicked and be used to manipulate , interact with the current webpage and its content.

A long list of very specific bookmarklets can be found on Paul J. Adam's consultancy site.

References #

collection of do's and don'ts UK Gov a11y posters
The Dos and don'ts on designing for accessibility by UK Gov Design Team. Print them out and hang them around the studio/office.

Courses #

Here's a list of accessibility training materials, because the best tool box you can fill is the one between your ears...